Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In-Progress Crit

I figured this was the best way to present my work for the in-progress critique.

All are unfinished, naturally. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011


So here's my first in progress Batmaaannnnssss.

Batman gets groceries. Batmans needs to eat too.

This one is about 50% done. I'm hoping to have it done no later then Monday.
Here's more Batman research:

Faust was inspiration for Batman. In the movie Batman Begins, young Bruce Wayne gets scared in a production of Faust Mephistopheles and makes his parents leave early. Then they go down a dark alley aaaaaandd we all know what happens. What was bruce afraid of?

A Batman motif that frequently stays the same in the comic books. This is from Frank Miller's Year One:

Which is fairly remenicent of a peice i've already mentioned:

And then there's Zorro:

No luck on the the Jeff Smith Batman yet. Back to work.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So I've been trying to find this Batman Dracula made by Andy Warhol with little success.
Warhol made the film without DC's consent and only showed it in exhibitions. No copies were published. It was also the first appearance of the campy-style Batman.

Apparently, there is footage of Batman Dracula in Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis, which is a documentary about the life and work of Jack Smith. That movie is also proving hard to find.

Here's a trailer:

I've also taken out anything Batman related I could find in the library. Frank Miller's awesome "Batman: Year One" which has an equally awesome movie version now, Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" which is arguably the best Batman comic and Frank Miller's "Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes again" which is ... meeeehhhhh.

Whoever order's the Batman comics in the library reeeeeeallly likes Frank Miller obviously.

I've also taken out a few books about pop culture, super heroes and mass media. Hopefully something can come of all this.

I was thinking maybe something about Batman through art history.

If I remember my Art Survey, Albrecht Durer's "Melancholia" was an influence in the creation of Batman.

Information on Melancholia. The Symbol of Melancholia is the Bat.

To catch up on my comic book reading, I have:
The Man Who laughs
Batman: Black And White
Batman: The Cult
Batman: Dark Victory
Batman: Son of the Demon
Batman: The Long Halloween
The Justice League of America: The Tower of Babel

The Man Who Laughs is a 1928 movie and  inspired the creation of the Joker.

Based on the book of the same title by Victor Hugo.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Independent Ideas

An obsession that has spanned decades for me.

Batman is awesome. I want to make art based on Batman.
I love pop culture.
And I love Comic books. So much.
And Video games.
And Cartoons.
And it's not just 60's Batman, but 90's batman. Modern Batman.
All Batmans.

I enjoy the Marvel universe more, but I really like Batman.

He's just sooooo cooooooolllll.

Way cooler then Superman.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Freaks and Girl Talk

So last night I watched 1932's "Freaks" which is mildly offensive/tasteless, borderline exploitive and somewhat sad and beautiful. I love the old black and white movie aesthetic.

Here'a a fan made trailer, pretty much sums it up. It would make great source material for a video project. The dialogue is is so cheesy most of the time, but the ending is chilling.

Speaking of movies, the movie we watched in class was actually quite entertaining. I love documentaries that manage to keep your interest by being witty and stylish. I am going to try and download some Girl Talk right now.

That's another thing too, ever since I've had the internet I've downloaded music/videos and such. I remember having Napster when I was young and it taking all day to download one song! Hahahaha

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Critical Thinking

Just read the Critical Thinking readings. It's an interesting read and has several helpful points. I found the page Questions Using Elements of Thought to especially useful. It's a good check list to consider when creating art.

There's so much to consider when a person creates anything. There are points mentioned that I wouldn't normally think of as well, such as the artist's "assumptions" and "implications." It's good to remember these for the next crit.

I find it hard to vocalize ideas in crits a lot of the time. Hopefully I can become a "Master Thinker" one day like the text describes. Haha.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Post!

Here's my first blog post for my digital media course! I'm excited for the projects this term. I've never made sound art before.

I've started recording the strangest things, but that's what makes it interesting! I notice sounds I've never really noticed before.

Here's a picture of my friend's cat:

That is all.