Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Freaks and Girl Talk

So last night I watched 1932's "Freaks" which is mildly offensive/tasteless, borderline exploitive and somewhat sad and beautiful. I love the old black and white movie aesthetic.

Here'a a fan made trailer, pretty much sums it up. It would make great source material for a video project. The dialogue is is so cheesy most of the time, but the ending is chilling.

Speaking of movies, the movie we watched in class was actually quite entertaining. I love documentaries that manage to keep your interest by being witty and stylish. I am going to try and download some Girl Talk right now.

That's another thing too, ever since I've had the internet I've downloaded music/videos and such. I remember having Napster when I was young and it taking all day to download one song! Hahahaha

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