Sunday, November 13, 2011

Video Project

Here is my Video Project folks!


  1. This video is super interesting. Having the music move backwards and the video move forward has great disorienting effect. You must of had to have a lot of patience to render that many layers in final cut. I haven't seen Paper Moon but I can see why it's so appealing to mess with given the layers of history it deals with. The colour choices are really great too, it remind me of when black and white films were converted to colour manually.

    Great job!

  2. U crazy, gurl.

    This is such a neat idea. There's so much to look at in each frame, and my eyes keeping switching between each layer, trying to decide what to watch.

    The particular scene you chose for the bottom segment is excellent, because it provides large portion of sky that acts as a screen for the other clips.

    I kid smoking kills me every time. It seems SOO odd.

    The ending is great, where it switches back to just one scene/layer.

    Pierre keeps talking about the concept of time in relation to these projects, and you've certainly incorporated it into your video. You’ve got backwards, forwards and slow-mo, plus a mix of history and technology.

    I hadn't even heard of Paper Moon before this, but I may have to watch it now. Although, I usually don't like black and white things, I find them kind of boring. Would you mind adding color to all of it for me before I watch it? That shouldn't take you any time at all, right?

  3. I think you did an awesome job with this video, I'm a huge fan of the colour overlays and everything you did with it. Did you decide to go with the composite modes and stuff after? I really enjoy the way the layers work together, calling your attention to themselves in really discrete and super interesting ways. I also really want to see this film now, too. I find it interesting that it was actually shot in the 70s. I think they did a much better job of getting that 50s aesthetic than movies made today that are supposedly shot 20 years prior (I'm lookin at you, Paranormal Activity 3).

    Anyways, I think you did a great job, I really like the skewed element of time and the layering, looks sweet!

  4. I think you did a great job with this video. I love the idea of giving an old black and white movie some color. The layering you've done works really well, it makes me think of memories and the moments that have passed us by.

    I can't imagine how frustrating this was for you to have to do through photoshop so I give you a lot of credit for working through it and doing something you wanted to do. I hope that you think it is worth it because I think you did an awesome job. I really enjoy the music that you've put with it, it's not something I find overwhelming and I think it works really well with the piece.
