Saturday, September 17, 2011

Critical Thinking

Just read the Critical Thinking readings. It's an interesting read and has several helpful points. I found the page Questions Using Elements of Thought to especially useful. It's a good check list to consider when creating art.

There's so much to consider when a person creates anything. There are points mentioned that I wouldn't normally think of as well, such as the artist's "assumptions" and "implications." It's good to remember these for the next crit.

I find it hard to vocalize ideas in crits a lot of the time. Hopefully I can become a "Master Thinker" one day like the text describes. Haha.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Post!

Here's my first blog post for my digital media course! I'm excited for the projects this term. I've never made sound art before.

I've started recording the strangest things, but that's what makes it interesting! I notice sounds I've never really noticed before.

Here's a picture of my friend's cat:

That is all.